Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Closest Thing to Closure...

One thing I really hate in this world are self-righteous, fatalistic, manipulative fat chicks.
A friend of mine was dating one of those for a little while, and in all honesty, I thought he needed to go get his eyes checked... I mean, what person with working eyes could bone an overweight female that looks like a mentally retarded version of Jay Leno? I mean no offense to the mentally impaired and their families, And Jay Leno can go fuck himself with a running chainsaw, but seriously though... This chick looked like someone decided to cross Leno's DNA with the DNA of a fucking manatee.
...and guess what?
That's not even the part that made me hate her...

I'm the type of person that's pretty accepting of people's faults and quirks, and I love new people because I love the stories of their past that their idiosyncrasies show... but damn. When I met this chick for the first time, The only thing I wanted to know was which end of the short bus she fell off of. 
Anyone with half a brain could tell that most of what she was saying was a well practiced lie to get people to feel sorry for her. 
For Example : Her husband, who is active duty in the navy, knocked out her front teeth, beat her repetitively and raped her a few times... and yet he's still in the navy. Sorry, but I'm friends with a bunch of guys that are active duty in the freaking navy, and from what I was told, if they even blast ass on the wrong side of the ship, they're penalized.
i.e... the part that made me hate her.
Sorry, I got off subject...
The thing that made me hate this worthless piece of shit woman was the fact that almost everything that came out of her mouth was a lie shaped to make people feel sorry for her... Sorry, I'd rather put my bare nutsack on an electric fence that's designed for elephants while it's on than listen to her bullshit.
I swear I lost 100 IQ points from the few times I was near her.
Seriously, who could feel sorry for someone when their medical problems are the result of their sedentary lifestyle? I mean, you do nothing but sit around all day long, doing nothing but thinking up lies to tell, snorting pain pills and eating high cholesterol and fatty foods... Why would I feel sorry for you when your knees are acting up after you walked 300 feet? Seriously, that's like putting the shocks from a VW Beetle on a fucking Peterbilt.
So... Feel sorry for you, and pity you? Yeah, you may need to go tighten up your bicycle helmet if you think I'm gonna feel sorry for you for being a worthless, fat, piece of shit that's only going to amount to another forgotten tombstone in a lonely graveyard when you die. 


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