Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life. Is it really so bad?

I'm currently living with no heat, or running water, and I am also about to have my electric shut off.
I can't find work in this area because for one, No one hires guys that have been to prison for theft and burglary, and two... No one seems to be hiring to begin with.
So here I sit, with no heat, no water and with zero income, and no way of getting out of this perpetual clusterfuck of a life I'm living...
 ...and I'm not even stressed out, mad or upset about it.

You know why?

Well...one reason is that I've lived in worse conditions, with less than I have now.
You can't get much worse than living in a tent with nothing but a dog, a knife, a guitar and a sleeping bag. Other than taking it all away, that is...

The other, bigger reason is because despite the fact that the things I don't have are the basic elements of a "happy life", I was honestly happier when I had nothing.
Despite the fact that I sound like some convoluted buddhist, I really am happier with less.
It could be the part of me that hates responsibility coming out and saying that the less I have, the less responsibility I have, or it could be the simple fact that I'm too simple a man for my own good. I could be living in a cave in the middle of no where, with nothing, and still be happy.
The sun still shines, the rain still falls. That's life, man.


People have been telling me that I'm wasting my potential since I was a teenager. I just want to know what the hell you're all talking about. What exactly are you talking about? I can look at something, and draw it. I hear a song on the radio, and within a few minutes will be able to play it on guitar. I can talk an eskimo into buying ice, and I can talk the devil into buying a flamethrower. I can rebuild and repair just about anything that's put in front of me within a short period of time. I can walk into the food court at the mall and if there's a female that speaks english behind the counter, I can usually walk away with a free meal. I can talk my way out of tickets, or just piss the cops off enough that I only get a lesser charge because they were too pissed and forgot what my original charges were...
What exactly are you talking about when you say I'm wasting potential?
I mean, I've got the perfect brain to be a master con man... Maybe I should hone up on that to shut you up. Getting told that I'm wasting my potential by someone who's stuck in a rut in their own life is frustrating. So what if I can talk you out of your wallet, rolex, and car, and get myself a brand new armani suit in the process... And I can paint you a picture of it happening, and then write you a song on my guitar telling you how I did it...

Potential is like time. It's only wasted if you're not enjoying the time you're wasting.
Maybe my mind operates on too much of an abstract level for me to get by in your world.
Maybe I don't care.
Either way, live your lives and enjoy it.
There are ruts along the way, just climb out and keep going, or enjoy the weather at a lower altitude.
I'm getting pretty scatter brained at this point, So I'm going to quit writing now.
Have a good day.
The sun still rises, an you're reading this.